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Brief Introduction to the Ying Cheng Chinese Medicine Hospital ·Index < English

Ying Cheng Chinese Medicine Hospital was founded in 1982. Under 30 years of development, It has become the center of medical research of the city. It become the first second-level Chinese Medicine Hospital. It become the base of the clinical odontoplasty teaching of Traditional Chinese Medicine University and designated hospital of Basic Medical Insurance System and Workers Cities and Towns and new rural cooperative medical system.

The hospital covers 15795m2. lts gross area is 19157m2. Open 293 beds. The number of diagnosed patients per year is about 160000. The number of being in hospital patients is about 13000. It has 376 stuffs.The number of Senior technical staff is 24. The number of Middle technical staff is 112. Most of them have good knowledge of both in western medicind and Chinese Medicine.

Abundant capital, advanced equipment and technology strong, high quality, The hospital owns CT laparoscopy, optic choledochoscope, electronic gastroscopy Colonoscopy, endoscopic, microlaryngoscopic, arthroscope, transurethral prostatectomy, holmium–laser, Lipu knife, type-B ultrasonic, CRmedical diagnostic imaging systems, X-ray, pathologic diagnosis, the biochemical analyzers, Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, anaesthesia machine, electrocardiograph ( ECG ) ,monitor, automatically quiver pacemaker, kept alive respirators, rectal, capsulorhexis forceps,etc. The hospital also bought mordern machines available for the storage of the Chinese medicine.

The hospital have mutifunctional department including emergency, department, internal, surgical, bone, liver, rehabilitation, maternity, Pediatric, Otolaryngology, nonnasality, skin, anorectal depatments. And include clinical laboratory, pathology, radiation,CT depatments.

The hospital have internal depatments surgica, maternity, bone, rehabilitation beds area. It has provincial level Key construction specialist-bone department. And municipal level Key construction specialist-The stomach department. All of these departments attract patients with their unique advantages.

Apart from carrying out conventional treatments, The hospital also carry out the treatment of Painless gastroscopy, Gastroscope endoscopic polypectomy, severed finger reunion, hip semiarthroplasty excision of intervertebral disk, arthroscope, laparoscopy, Resectoscope, gastric cancer, Breast cancer and colorectal cancer.

We will persist on the “serve the patients In order to improve the medical service quality as the core of the school philosophy". And we will grasp the Chinese Medicine as the main direction of running the hospital.Strengthening the subject construction, pay attention to personnel training. The hospital building into a traditional Chinese medicine characteristic. Key specialty advantages. Wide application of advanced treatment techniques of traditional Chinese medicine and Western Medicine. The modernization of Chinese medicine hospital set is not disease prevention, disease rehabilitation in one. Write a more glorious and resplendent chapter for Yingcheng people's health..

Director: Wang Xianjun
Emergency Call: 0712-3999or3250567 Duty Call: 0712-3222651
Hospital Office:0712-3222569 customer service center:0712-3220871
Address: City City Dazhi Road No. 6, In the city by 4 road, 5 road bus station and get off to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

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地址:湖北省应城市  技术支持:应城市中医医院信息科
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